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The Robot must be strictly autonomous.
The width of the black or white line will be less than 5cm
Dimensions of the Robot should be less than 20cm*20cm*15cm(lxbxh)
The participants have to ensure that room lighting, photography,etc.does not affect the functioning of -            -sensors.
In case of tie,the design of the Robot may be considered.
If none of the Robots finishes the course, then the one which covered the longest distance in less time will be -considered the winner.




The Robot has to follow the black line on white background and complete the track in least possible time.
Maximum three participants in a team
Team members can be form same or different colleges
The Judges decision shall be considered as final and indisputable.Any team involved in any type of argument -with the judges will be disqualified.
All the tracks will be shown at the time of competition.
Track rules will be announced at time of competition.

Max three per team.




In this round every team has to complete the track. It will be a simple track consisting of 2 laps. The Robot  which will take minimum time to complete the track will go to next round.


The Robot which will complete the entire track in minimum time will go to next round.

Team will be given enough time to make the changes as per the requirements
The Robot which will complete the entire track in minimum time will be declare as the winner.


Registration fee-300/per bot

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